
残響時間(T30)の計算 / Computing reverberation time (T30)

ISO 3382-1にしたがって作成したつもりですが、間違いがあるかもしれません。



# read impulse response WAV file
wavobj <- readWave(file.path("IR_file.wav"))
fs <- wavobj@samp.rate
nbits <- wavobj@bit
x <- wavobj@left / 2^(nbits-1)

# find direct sound (which starts 20dB below the peak) only for drawing nice x-axis
xx <- 10*log10(x^2)
for (t0 in which.max(xx):1) {
  if (xx[t0] < max(xx)-20) {

# octave band filter definition (1024-point FIR)
cfreqs <- c(63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000)
N <- 1024

for (fc in cfreqs) {
  # apply octave band filter
  fl <- fc / 2^(1/2) / (fs/2)
  fh <- fc * 2^(1/2) / (fs/2)
  k <- fir1(N, c(fl, fh), type="pass")
  y <- fftfilt(k, append(x, rep(0, N)))
  t1 <- t0+N/2
  t <- (-t0:(length(y)-t0-1))/fs

  # Schroeder curve and reverb time (T30)
  sc <- cumsum((y[length(y):1])^2)
  sc <- 10*log10(sc[length(sc):1] / max(sc))
  fit.start <- sum(sc >= -5)
  fit.end <- sum(sc >= -35)
  z <- line(t[fit.start:fit.end], sc[fit.start:fit.end])
  T30 <- -60 / coef(z)[2];

  # plot the result
  yy = 10*log10((y/max(abs(y)))^2)
  plot(t, yy, type="l", ylim=c(-80,0),
       main=sprintf("Reverberation Curve (%dHz, T30=%.2fs)", fc, T30),
	   xlab="Time (s)", ylab="Power (dB)")
  lines(t, sc, col="green")
  abline(coef(z), col="red", lty="dashed")

  # save to PDF file
  dev.copy2pdf(file=sprintf("reverb_time_%05d.pdf", fc))

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