
フィルター / Filtering

低域フィルター(双二次) / Biquad Lowpass Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_lpf(fc, q, fs)
%BIQUAD_LPF   biquad low-pass filter
%    [B,A] = biquad_lpf(fc, q, fs)
% Input:
%    fc - cutoff frequency (Hz)
%     q - Q-factor
%    fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
% 2005-02-14 by MARUI Atsushi
%            based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%            coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
% 2010-01-18 updated to conform better to Bristow-Johnson's definition

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega)/(2*q);

B = [
  (1 - cos(omega)) / 2
   1 - cos(omega)
  (1 - cos(omega)) / 2

A = [
   1 + alpha
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha

高域フィルター(双二次) / Biquad Highpass Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_hpf(fc, q, fs)
%BIQUAD_HPF   biquad high-pass filter
%    [B,A] = biquad_hpf(fc, q, fs)
% Input:
%    fc - cutoff frequency (Hz)
%     q - Q-factor
%    fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
% 2009-11-30 by MARUI Atsushi
%            based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%            coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
% 2010-01-18 updated to conform better to Bristow-Johnson's definition

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega)/(2*q);

B = [
  (1 + cos(omega)) / 2
 -(1 + cos(omega))
  (1 + cos(omega)) / 2

A = [
   1 + alpha
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha

バンドパスフィルター(双二次) / Biquad Bandpass Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_bpf(fc, bw, fs)
% BIQUAD_BPF   biquad band-pass filter
%    [B,A] = biquad_bpf(fc, bw, fs)
% Input:
%    fc - center frequency (Hz)
%    bw - bandwidth at -3dB point in octaves
%    fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
% 2005-12-16 by MARUI Atsushi
%            based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%            coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega) * sinh(log(2) / 2 * bw * omega / sin(omega));

B = [

A = [
   1 + alpha
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha

ローシェルフ・フィルター(双二次) / Biquad Low-shelving Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_lowshelf(fc, gain, s, fs)
%BIQUAD_LOWSHELF   Biquad low-shelf filter
%   [B,A] = biquad_lowshelf(fc, gain, s, fs)
%   Input:
%      fc - shelf midpoint frequency (Hz)
%      gain - gain at the midpoint (dB)
%      s - shelf slope (S=1 for steepest slope)
%      fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
%   2009-09-13 by MARUI Atsushi
%              based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%              coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
a = 10 ^ (gain/40);
alpha = sin(omega) / 2 * sqrt((a + 1/a) * (1/s - 1) + 2);

B = [
   a * ((a+1) - (a-1)*cos(omega) + 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)
 2*a * ((a-1) - (a+1)*cos(omega)                  )
   a * ((a+1) - (a-1)*cos(omega) - 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)

A = [
       ((a+1) + (a-1)*cos(omega) + 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)
  -2 * ((a-1) + (a+1)*cos(omega)                  )
       ((a+1) + (a-1)*cos(omega) - 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)

ハイシェルフ・フィルター(双二次) / Biquad High-shelving Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_highshelf(fc, gain, s, fs)
%BIQUAD_HIGHSHELF   Biquad high-shelf filter
%   [B,A] = biquad_highshelf(fc, gain, s, fs)
%   Input:
%      fc - shelf midpoint frequency (Hz)
%      gain - gain at the midpoint (dB)
%      s - shelf slope (S=1 for steepest slope)
%      fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
%   2010-01-18 by MARUI Atsushi
%              based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%              coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
a = 10 ^ (gain/40);
alpha = sin(omega) / 2 * sqrt((a + 1/a) * (1/s - 1) + 2);

B = [
   a * ((a+1) + (a-1)*cos(omega) + 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)
-2*a * ((a-1) + (a+1)*cos(omega)                  )
   a * ((a+1) + (a-1)*cos(omega) - 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)

A = [
       ((a+1) - (a-1)*cos(omega) + 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)
   2 * ((a-1) - (a+1)*cos(omega)                  )
       ((a+1) - (a-1)*cos(omega) - 2*sqrt(a)*alpha)

ピーク・フィルター(双二次) / Biquad Peaking Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_peak(fc, gain, q, fs)
%BIQUAD_PEAK   Biquad peak/dip filter
%   [B,A] = biquad_peak(fc, gain, q, fs)
%   Input:
%      fc - cutoff frequency (Hz)
%      gain - gain at the peak (dB)
%      q - Q factor
%      fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
%   2005-10-13 by MARUI Atsushi
%              based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%              coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega) / q;
a = 10 ^ (gain/40);

B = [
   1 + alpha * a
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha * a

A = [
   1 + alpha / a
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha / a

ノッチフィルター(双二次) / Biquad Notch Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_notch(fc, bw, fs)
%BIQUAD_NOTCH   Biquad notch filter
%   [B,A] = biquad_notch(fc, bw, fs)
%   Input:
%      fc - cutoff frequency (Hz)
%      bw - bandwidth in octaves (between -3dB frequencies)
%      fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
%   2010-01-18 by MARUI Atsushi
%              based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%              coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega) * sinh(log(2) / 2 * bw * omega / sin(omega));

B = [
  -2 * cos(omega)

A = [
   1 + alpha
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha

オールパスフィルター(双二次) / Biquad Allpass Filter

function [B,A] = biquad_apf(fc, q, fs)
% BIQUAD_APF   biquad all-pass filter
%    [B,A] = biquad_apf(fc, q, fs)
% Input:
%    fc - center frequency (Hz)
%     q - Q-factor
%    fs - sampling frequency (Hz)
% 2010-01-18 by MARUI Atsushi
%            based on "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter
%            coefficients" by Robert Bristow-Johnson.

omega = 2 * pi * fc / fs;
alpha = sin(omega)/(2*q);

B = [
  1 - alpha
 -2 * cos(omega)
  1 + alpha

A = [
   1 + alpha
  -2 * cos(omega)
   1 - alpha

フィルターバンク / Reconstructing Filterbank



fs = 44100;
x = randn(fs*10, 1);
z = filterbank(x, fs);
zz = sum(z, 2);
err = x - zz;
corr(x, zz)

function [out, cfreqs] = filterbank(x, fs, oct)
%FILTERBANK   octave filterbank using raised cosine frequency window
%   [out, cfreqs] = filterbank(x, fs) create filtered signals `out'
%   from x.  Columns of `out' is a filtered signal with
%   corresponding center frequency in `cfreqs'.  By default,
%   1/1-octave band filters are used.
%   Filtered signals at the lowest frequency is processed with
%   low-pass, the highest frequency is processed with high-pass,
%   and all frequencies in between are processed with band-pass
%   filters.  This yields to (almost) perfect reconstruction of the
%   original signal, such that:
%      out = filterbank(x, fs);
%      z = sum(out, 2);
%   creates z almost the same as x.
%   [cfreqs, out] = filterbank(x, fs, oct) create and filters using
%   1/oct-octave band filters.
%   2011-07-13 MARUI Atsushi

if nargin<3
  oct = 1;
cfreqs = 1000 * 2.^((-15:12)/oct);
cfreqs = cfreqs(20<=cfreqs & cfreqs<=fs/2);

%% create octave-band bandpass filter
out = zeros(length(x), length(cfreqs));
for n = 1:length(cfreqs)
  fc = cfreqs(n);
  fl = fc * 2.0^(-1/oct);
  fh = fc * 2.0^(+1/oct);
  W = zeros(length(x)/2, 1);
  f = linspace(0, fs/2, length(W))';
  ff = fl<=f & f<=fh;
  cc = (cos(log2(f(ff)/fc)*pi*oct) + 1) / 2;
  W(ff) = cc;
  if n==1
    ff = f < fc;
    W(ff) = 1;
  elseif n==length(cfreqs)
    ff = fc < f;
    W(ff) = 1;
  W = [W ; flipud(W)];
  W(1) = 0;
  W(end/2+1) = 0;
  % apply filter
  y = real(ifft(fft(x) .* W));
  out(:,n) = y;

MARUI Atsushi