
Doctoral Program

Ⅱ. Program Overview and Basic Philosophy

6.2. Artistic Practice

The doctoral evaluation considers not only the final results but also the process that led to such results. While students are enrolled in a doctoral program, they must hold public reviews in the form of art exhibits or music recitals on a semi-regular basis. In addition, these exhibits or recitals should be discussed and reviewed by multiple examiners. Undergoing this process can ensure the objectivity and propriety of evaluations related to degree conferral.

Public on-campus exhibits or recitals are the standard method of presenting interim results, and an interim research report and documentation of extracurricular achievements should also be presented in written form or through another type of media. These results are evaluated by multiple examiners and the details of the evaluation may be presented in a public forum or recorded in documents or other types of media for subsequent examination.

The final public preview, in which works of art or musical performances are presented, occurs in a final doctoral program exhibition for Fine Arts, a degree recital for Music, and a final exhibit and oral presentation for Film and New Media. However, additional research outcomes and extracurricular achievements must be reported in document form and, if appropriate, by using other media. Efforts should be made to widely publicize the events to increase the public nature of the presentations and have as many people as possible present at the examination venues.

We have successfully developed rigid and fair examination methods for artistic courses over the long history of the university. In these methods, multiple examiners provide anonymous ratings and derive their assessments by discussing the presented achievements. The systems used have proven to be sufficiently logical and educationally beneficial. Under this program, classical methods for reviewing artistic works are employed in an updated manner.

7. Publication of Research Results

Research outcomes of the doctoral study are published in the following manner:

  • Abstract of the dissertation and examination results (including examiners’ names): the website of the University library
  • Electronic records of artistic works and musical performances: the website of the Geidai Archive Center

The websites above are linked to each other for convenience.

8. Ensuring Global Standards

As mentioned earlier, our practice-based doctoral program is based on the idea of practice-based research, which has recently attracted international attention. Nonetheless, efforts to give this idea a concrete form are still in its trial-and-error stage and it is expected that various revisions will be implemented in the future. In the case of this program, continuing research of overseas doctoral programs as well as art world trends will be indispensable both in maintaining global standards that are internationally compatible and ensuring students ’ mobility. A think-tank style department should preferably be established on campus to conduct research into overseas trends and promote personnel exchanges, even after the project of the Research Center for Graduate Schools is completed.

9. Degree Titles

Presently, there is no universal standard for degree titles. In the past, there was a clear distinction, particularly in the United States, between academic degrees such as a Ph.D. and other professional degrees in the arts such as the Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) and the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA). However, the distinction has become vague since disciplines of academic studies have been reconsidered, and Ph.Ds in the arts have emerged. In fact, the Ph.D. in Studio Arts, the DFA, the Doctor of Creative Arts (DCA), and others coexist in Fine Arts. Similarly, in addition to a DMA, there is a Ph.D. in Music.

Geidai grants the following doctorate degrees in practice-based courses:

NOTE: English expressions of these degree titles are direct translations (and rather idiomatic). In the near future, we will determine the official English degree titles that meet global standards.
Graduate School of Fine Arts*: Doctor of Fine Arts
Graduate School of Music for artistic courses**: Doctor of Music
Graduate School of Film and New Media: Doctor of Film and New Media Studies

* The Graduate School of Fine Arts currently offers two types of doctorate degrees: Doctor of Fine Arts and Doctor of Conservation of Cultural Properties.
** The Graduate School of Music currently offers three types of doctorate degrees: Doctor of Music (for artistic courses), Ph.D. in Musicology (for the musicology course), and Doctor of Arts and Sciences (for academic courses other than musicology).

10. Social Ripple Effects

The practice-based doctoral program enhances artistic skills and provides an incomparable opportunity to explore new creative expression while developing sophisticated thinking faculties, critical abilities, and language competence. Artists who complete the program can conceivably make significant contributions to today’s society by presenting new ideas and values in the field. The program will produce doctoral degree holders who have a high ability of problem solving and research capabilities as well as generate those who possess advanced skills that can be applied to teaching and academic professions. Additionally, international student exchanges will be promoted between our program and overseas doctoral programs, leading to closer ties with international graduate schools.
