February 14, 2020
Health Care Service Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
Caution against Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) [updated Feb 14]
~Please take actions according to your potential risk~
As has been notified by the university through its website and emails since Jan. 24, 2020, it is important to stay informed and to take appropriate actions against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Check the latest reliable resources such as websites of public authorities and notifications from the university.
Since infection with the virus has been confirmed in multiple countries including Japan, all the members and visitors of the university community are requested to take appropriate actions according to potential risks they may be facing.
If you are currently receiving any direct instructions from a local public health center or medical institution, continue to follow them and contact the university office to report your situation.
If you have any questions, call the university Health Care Service Center (contact details are indicated below).
Ⅰ. If you have had close contact with a person who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection:
1. If you HAVE a fever (37.5 ℃ or more) OR respiratory symptoms within two weeks after having close contact.
First, call, on your own, the telephone consulting service (帰国者・接触者相談センター) operated by your local municipality government for those arriving from affected countries and having had close contact with someone infected. Then, visit a medical institution as instructed for further diagnosis. Please call the university office to report your condition (the diagnosis and medical instruction given) (⇒VII).
2.If you have NO SYMPTOMS within 2 weeks after having close contact.
(1)Stay at home and check your physical condition for 14 consecutive days. (⇒V)
(2)When a respiratory symptom such as coughing or fever(37.5℃or higher) appears within 2 weeks.
Same as I-1 above. Report your condition to the university office(⇒VII).
3.No symptom appears within two weeks after having close contact.
Follow the steps as instructed in IV (if descriptions in I, II, or III are not applicable).
II. If you have returned from the epidemic areas (Hubei or Zhejiang Province in China) or have had close contact with a resident of those areas:
1.If you HAVE a fever (37.5 ℃ or more) AND respiratory symptoms after arriving in JAPAN or within two weeks after having close contact:
Avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, and consult a quarantine station at the airport or call the telephone consulting service (帰国者・接触者相談センター) operated by your local municipal government for those arriving from affected countries and having close contact immediately. Visit the medical institution as instructed for further diagnosis. Please call the university office to report your condition (the diagnosis and medical instruction given) (⇒VII).
2.If you have NO SYMTOMS when arriving in JAPAN or after having close contact :
(1)Stay at home and check your physical condition for 14 consecutive days after arriving in Japan or having close contact
(2)When a fever (37.5 ℃ or more) AND a respiratory symptom such as coughing appears within two weeks:
Same as II-1 above. Report your condition to the university office(⇒VII).
3.No symptom appears within two weeks after having close contact.
Follow the steps as instructed in IV (if descriptions in I, II, or III are not applicable).
Ⅲ. If you have returned from China (other than Hubei or Zhejiang Province) AND have had NO close contact with a resident of the epidemic areas (Hubei or Zhejiang Province):
1.If you HAVE a fever (37.5 ℃ or more) AND respiratory symptoms within two weeks after arriving in JAPAN:
At the airport, consult a quarantine station and receive instructions. Avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, and visit a medical institution after making a phone call. After visit, call the university office to report your condition (the diagnosis and medical instruction given) (⇒VII).
2.If you have NO SYMTOMS when arriving in JAPAN:
(1)Observe your physical condition every day for two weeks after arriving in Japan.
(2)When a fever (37.5 ℃ or more) AND a respiratory symptom such as coughing appears within two weeks:
Same as III-1 above. Report your condition to the university office(⇒VII).
3.No symptoms appear within two weeks after arriving in Japan.
Follow the steps as instructed in IV (not applicable I, II, or III).
Ⅳ. If neither I, II, nor III is applicable to you
①Practice regular preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes. Wear a mask when you are sick with coughing or sneezing.
②Make sure you have enough sleep and regular eating routine to keep yourself in good condition.
③Keep the places and objects touched by multiple people clean. Wash your hands after touching such things.
④Frequently ventilate the rooms used by many people.
V.During the observation period for your physical condition, (two weeks⇒ see I,II,II) take the following actions:
①Practice regular preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes. Wear a mask when you are sick with coughing or sneezing.
②Check your physical condition every day for two weeks.
(Form for self-monitoring and recording is available on the university website)
・Fever: Monitor your temperature every morning for 14 consecutive days.
・Respiratory symptoms: Check for severe cough and shortness of breath.
・Watch for the health of those who share a home with you
③Refrain from leaving home for non-essential purposes.
VI.To Find information about the telephone consulting service operated by your local municipality government (帰国者・接触者相談センター)
Search by typing in “(name of your local municipality), 帰国者・接触者相談センター” on the web.
(Every municipality government provides a telephone consulting service or telephone number of its local public health center for those arriving from affected countries and having had close contact with someone infected.)
If your municipality does not have specific telephone consulting service, consult your local public health center.
List of public health centers by municipality
>>Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Reference: List of telephone consulting service providers, 帰国者・接触者相談センター, as of 2020/02/12 (available only in Japanese):check the latest information >>TOKYO >>IBARAKI >>YOKOHAMA >>CHIBA >>NARA |
VII. If you are diagnosed or suspected of having Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19):
Contact the university office. Please refrain from coming to the campus.VII. If you are diagnosed or suspected of having Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19):
・Students: Student Affairs Division (General Affairs Section) ☎ 050-5525-2065
・Faculty and staff:General Affairs Section (Human Resources Section) ☎ 050-5525-2016
・During out-of-office hours:
Please report through the following web form: >>Web form
Faculty and staff members may contact the emergency number designated by each office.
“Close contact”
Close contact is defined as— (https://www.cdc.gov/)
b) having direct contact with infectious secretions of a novel coronavirus case (e.g., being coughed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
Health Service Center
・UENO Campus(weekdays 8:45~16:45)☎050-5525-2456
・TORIDE Campus(weekdays10:30~17:00)☎050-5525-2547
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