東京藝術大学長 澤 和樹
カロル·シマノフスキ: ヴァイオリンとピアノのためのソナタより第2楽章
ヴァイオリン:澤 和樹
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an unpardonable act of violence that absolutely cannot be condoned.
Ukraine has produced many outstanding musicians including composers Sergei Prokofiev and Karol Szymanowski (born in the Kiev Governorate), great 20th century violinists David Oistrakh and Nathan Milstein, and pianist Leo Sirota, who was a benefactor to Japan’s music world and nurtured numerous musicians from 1931 for 13 years at Tokyo Music School, the predecessor to Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music. This war of aggression brought about by the flawed judgment of a small minority of Russia’s leadership has inflicted suffering on Ukrainian citizens facing the calamity of war, as well as inanity for Russians through international economic sanctions and the exclusion of great artists and athletes simply for being Russian.
We hope for the immediate termination of this mindless war.
March 4, 2022
Sawa Kazuki
Tokyo University of the Arts